Discount Carpet and Cleaning

Shaw Flooring Industries is one of many in the flooring industry that answers questions about allergens and carpet. People are under the misconception that cheap carpet causes allergies and such. The falsehoods associated with this have been around for a long time. Let’s take a moment and think about carpet. Carpet as with any other...

Linoleum with Discount Carpet

Armstrong is celebrating its 100th anniversary as the forerunner of linoleum. They led the US into the linoleum age in 1909!! There is currently resurgence in the floor covering industry of linoleum and it’s no surprise that Armstrong is leading the way. The linoleum of today isn’t what your grandparents had in their house. Why...

Discount Flooring – Vinyl

Boy has vinyl discount flooring come a long way since the 1950’s. In fact, don’t even think about the vinyl flooring in the house you grew up in. Vinyl is no longer that plastic looking, shiny ripped and pitted floor you had to live with. Thanks to advances in technology, today’s vinyl flooring comes in...

Carpet Pad Benefits

You have decided what type of discount carpet to put in your home and now you must decide on carpet padding that goes underneath the carpet. Carpet padding can also be referred to as carpet cushion depending on the area of the country you are purchasing your flooring. Carpet padding is so important because it...

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